Here is a list of words that most likely you will not know their definitions. Anyone who looks up the definitions and then emails them with definitions written or typed to will win a gift certificate from Kobo, Chapters, or Kindle.
Chapters 1 - 12
- diplomat
- speculation
- indignant
- fate
- conform
- captivating
- tribunal
- staccato
- indisputable
- consorts
- fervent
- renounce
- perfidy
- egregious
- decree
- repent
- ominous
Chapter 13 - 22
- abyss
- implications
- all-encompassing
- callused
- beleaguered
- irony
- treacherous
- prophecy
- inordinate
- tiresome
- despicable
- astute
- solace
- minstrels
- consigned
- ornate
- palate
- revenge
Chapters 23 - 33
- dire
- consequence
- outlaw
- torturous
- clout
- scrupulous
- innumerable
- dour
- tapestry
- permeated
- bungle
- olfactory
- discernable
- pronouncement
- portentous
- ascertaining
- aspirations
Chapters 34 - 43
- philosophy
- recalled
- gratitude
- covert
- institute
- divine
- comeup
- pance
- understatement
- defiant
- ignorant
- empathy
- rubbish
- earnest
- diminishment
- meditative
- quest
- lair
- beatific
Chapter 44 - coda
- inspiring
- emboldened
- extraordinary
- maneuvering
- gnarled
- cornucopia
- exaggerated
- rumours
- thwarted
- vengeful
- infringe
- consigned
- heartily
- anticipated
- access
- atone
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